Friday, February 2, 2007

But I am to old for this.

Almost 20 years old i thought this part of my live was over.
Obviously it wasn't...

It's usually a joke when you call it crush but it's what it is... always at least with me.
Over one and a half year of conversations with this girl and nothing even remotly close to a touch still I got a crush that crushes me.

The reasoons is why... the "is it"s are even more.

Is it her looks?
Could be...

Is it her way to be? (What should I really call it)
She's always the nice person...

"Can't have"-syndrom (I've always had this and I wonder who hasn't but mine is quite worse actually)
Might be this... I'm quite sure it was the last the time so I hope it isn't now.

Easier to love fro ma far?
I'm quite afraid of love, who can even love me? Even though I am what I am.
It's easier to say I love someone so that I don't have to show i t more than in words which according to some is not my best side and according to the ones that know me my best.

I will add more later...

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