Saturday, February 3, 2007

My little bit of fun

So sometimes I'm reading this girls blog, I don't know why.
I couldn't care less about the content but she has a style of writing I admire and feel like I would like to know. But anyways... with that in mind o copied this from her blog and got my own answer.

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!

1. how are you feeling today?
Love don't let me go

2. will you get far in life?
Under the bridge

3. how do your friends see you?

4. will you get married?
Love doesn't have to hurt

5. what is your life's theme song?
I'll cover you

6. what is the story of your life?
Advertising space

7. what was high school like?
Warning sign

8. how can you get ahead in life?

9. what is tomorrow going to be like?
Finale B

10. what is the best thing about your friends?

11. what is in store for the next weekend?
October Love

12. what song best describes you?
Dom som försvann

13. how is your life going?
What a wonderful world - What The Fuck?

14. what song will play at your funeral?
Against all odds - Jag hade föredragit Angels men den var inte ens på playlist

15. how does the world see you?
Waiting for a star to fall

16. will you have a happy life?
Take me or leave me

17. what do your friends really think of you?
Better days

18. what song describes the person you're attracted to?
How do you do - La till "The girl that makes him sad" 10 gånger utan att lyckas :/

19. what message would you like to tell the next generation?
Ghetto Gospel

20. do you have a deep dark secret?
Don't leave me alone

21. do people secretly lust after you?
Stuck on you

22. how can you make yourself happy?
Sometimes you can't do it on my own

23. will you ever have children?
Mind yourself

24. what's some good advice for you?
Beautiful soula

25. how will you be remembered?
One more night - :(

26. what is your signature dance song?
You were my everything

Kommer väl en uppdaterad version när jag sitter på andra datorn och 10000 andra låtar.

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